Creación de un mito originado en migraciones / Creation of a Myth Originated in Migration


  • Cándido González P´érez


En el presente trabajo se explica cómo se creó el mito de un supuesto bandido social mexicano que robaba a los mineros de la Fiebre del Oro Californiana. Supuestamente con los usufructos del botín estaba armando un ejército en la frontera para recuperar el Estado de California para su país. El creador del mito fue un Cherokee que había sufrido estragos similares cuando su pueblo se vio obligado a dejar sus tierras y emigrar a Oklahoma. John Rollin Ridge (su nombre original en Cherokee: Yellow Bird) describía hechos reales tomados de información periodística y los adosaba con deseos propios para su pueblo: que les regresaran las tierras que les arrebataron con supuesta legalidad.

On this present document it is explained how a supposed Mexican social bandit who robbed Californian Gold Fever miners’ myth was created. Allegedly he started to form an army in the border to gain California back for his country paying for it with his lootings’ usufructs. A Cherokee who suffered from similar sorrows when his people were made to leave their lands to emigrate to Oklahoma created the myth. John Rollin Ridge (or his original Cherokee name: Yellow Bird) described real facts that were published on papers and founded them with his own desires for his people: to get the lands that were supposedly legally taken back.


