Construyendo identidades religiosas: planteamientos teórico metodológicos / Construvting religious identities: Theoretival ans methodological proposals


  • José Alberto GALVÁN TUDELA

Palabras clave:

construyendo identidades religiosas, flujos, itinerarios y conversiones, narraciones como instrumentos de análisis, Constructing religious identities, cultural flows and networks, religious itineraries, conversions and narrative strategies


La diversidad religiosa en Canarias es un fenómeno ya constatado. El mapa religioso es abigarrado, múltiple, coexistiendo en el espacio insular religiones, formas de y también personas que las rechazan. Tal coexistencia y contigüidad es un factor, entre otros, que ha facilitado la creación de flujos de personas entre las mismas, y de no creyentes a aquellas, así como formas de nueva religión, expresión de nuevas culturas interactivas. La presente ponencia pretende ser a la vez introductoria y programática al conjunto de comunicaciones del panel, que analice las características de dichos flujos no solo entre los canarios/as sino también entre otros residentes en las islas, tanto hoy como en el pasado.

The religious diversity of the Canary Islands has dramatically increased over the last few decades. By now, many religion´s forms coexist in the archipelago and many new religious identities have arisen. The coexistence and contiguity of these new forms and identities has favoured the flows of persons between these, and also propelled the dynamics of conversion as an expression of new interactive cultures. But of course, there is also a reaction against these new religious forms and rejection of its insertion in local society. This chapter offers an introduction to the lectures about the new religious movements in the Canary Islands that were presented and discussed at the confe-rence. It also proposes an approach of how we might best analyse the flows of religious forms, contents and of individuals/believers, and also the cultural exchanges between the autochthonous population of the Canary Islands and newcomers (migrants, refugees, residents or tourists).
