Pensamiento pro-absolutista del clero canario en torno al trienio liberal / The pro aboslutism stance of the canary clregy during the liberal triennium


  • Francisco Fajardo Spínola

Palabras clave:

Canarias, Trienio liberal, clero, absolutismo, masonería, Canary Islands, Liberal Triennium, clergy, absolutism, masonry


Trienio Liberal fue un corto pero intenso período de confrontación política e ideológica. Con testimonios referidos a Canarias, nuestra tesis es la de que, a partir de ese momento, la Iglesia, prácticamente sin fisuras, se constituye en un soporte fundamental del régimen absolutista y del pensamiento conservador.

The Liberal Triennium was a short but intense period of political and ideological confrontation. With testimonies referred to the Canaries, our thesis is that, from that moment, the Church, almost entirely, becomes a fundamental support of the absolutist regime and the conservative thought.




Historia social